*Effective April 1, 2024, AV Labs, inc. will no longer be couriering samples from Soiltest to the lab in Othello. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
- For Public Group A & B Systems, Private Households, or Building Permits.
- We offer Present/Absent results for Coliform Bacteria and E-coli.
- Drinking water samples must be in the labs possession within 24 hours from the time they are taken.
- Drinking water brought into the lab after the 24-hour hold time will NOT be accepted.
- To maintain accurate, quality results, water samples are read after 24 hours of being received.
- WE DO NOT accept waters on Fridays!
- Samples with cracked, chipped, or leaking bottles, will NOT be accepted and the client will be asked to retake them, due to possible contamination.
- It is recommended that drinking water samples be chilled over ice to <50°F and must be kept from freezing.
- Drinking water collection bottles can be obtained directly from A.V. Labs, Inc. in Othello or from Soil Test Farm Consultants in Moses Lake.
Water Samples will only be accepted
8am-3pm Monday-Thursday.
***If you are testing for a private household, real-estate transaction or a building permit, payment is due at the same time samples are received.